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Does How We Vote as Christians Matter?

Disclaimer: I am sure this post will contradict many who hold certain eschatological viewpoints and beliefs about the US being a Christian country...that is for another post, but I ask that evaluate the land we live in and ask yourself if this is truly a Christian country? Biblical fundamentals have led to a prosperity that no other country has ever seen, but that does not make the USA "Christian". I could write down how my sons should be as a husband, but following those steps does not make them me nor does it promise that they understand what it means to be a husband, but simply learned about being a husband. So, do the people that inhabit this land show a lifestyle that aligns with a professed faith in Jesus Christ? Please read on...

How we vote matters in more of an eternal fashion than you may realize...

So, if you look up John 12:31, John 14:30, Ephesians 2:2, John 16:11, and 2 Corinthians 4:4, you will notice the devil himself is given a very interesting title:

The ruler of this world, and last I checked the United States is a part of this world.

This is imperative for us as Christians to remember because it helps align our theology in a way that should anchor us to a very important peace – this world is broken and dying.

Christians who have a proper theology understand that this is not our home (Hebrews 13:14) and this world will have trouble – but to take heart because the one who saves – Jesus Christ – has overcome the world (John 16:33).

We as Christians always need to remember “how we vote” is not just dependent on casting our vote for a donkey or elephant, but also the Spirit in which we compose ourselves in the midst of it. Why? Because as mentioned before, this world is ruled by the wicked one and people are blinded to the truth. But God so loved this broken world that He sent His only Son to die for it – and in coming to that truth we are given a peace that no president our country can give – a peace with God that only comes from Christ (Romans 5:1).

Scripture should not just guide our physical act of voting but also our demeanor and actions in the midst of it within this fallen world. People on social media are about “demolishing liberals” and “winning arguments”. This is not the way and never was. It is not “us” versus “them”. Dear Christian, remember who you once were (1 Peter 1:14).

Your objective is to win people for Christ, because God Himself desires for all people to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). That is your calling, your purpose, regardless of what the world does or how wicked it gets. God left us here for His glory and our good! We have the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19), so what are you doing with that responsibility and good news?

So, how do we vote as Christians? Vote with faith and DO NOT vote in fear. Vote knowing that whoever is in the White House, God is on the throne (Isaiah 6:1). A world ruled by the devil is not going to be a world that is pleasant or prosperous, but it provides a dark backdrop for the Light of Christ to shine. Do not wage war as the world does (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) nor get entangled with the affairs of the world (2 Corinthians 6:14) …this is not just about dating either!

Vote please in accordance with the scriptures and pray for our land and the world everywhere. Wickedness is flourishing and up is now down and dark is now light more than ever. This is how the devil comes, right (2 Corinthians 14:11)? But do not burn down the harvest field you have been commanded to work.

God's judgment will continue to be poured out on all unrighteousness which includes our land. It is not just those who practice sin openly with no regard that maybe you easily pass judgement on, but also to those who think they are "good" based off of some kind of self-righteous works. So many will not inherit the Kingdom of God due to slander and gossip (2 Corinthains 6:9-11).

God will bring the deserving judgement so be still and stop fighting (Psalm 46:10).

Remember, that judgment begins with His house (1 Peter 4:17), so go serve the King of Kings by living lives so others can come to know Him.


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