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Serve the Church

As a body, we are called to submit to Christ and also one another.

A beautiful and biblical way to do that is serve the local church body.

This requires sacrifice of time, and these days our time holds a lot of value that we struggle to give up.

We ask that before you volunteer, you are in prayer about where to serve, and we will be in prayer with you for confirmation. Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit on what your gifting from Him is. A good and sensible place to start is ask Him what you have an ability in and also what you enjoy doing.


The Holy Spirit is amazing at positioning us in humility and truth. 


Romans 12:6-8 says "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully"


Paul is listing some serving gifts here and is noting not only ability, but a zeal in performing the ability. You may like to do something but actually not be good at it, or you may be good at doing something but not enjoy doing it. When a person works in opposition of their gifting, it leads to burnout. 


Agape has opportunities for you to serve in:


1. Children's Church

We are seeking married couples who are interested in ministering and teaching our young ones at Agape Center. You would only have to commit to 1 Sunday a month, hopefully working in a rotation of other couples. We will provide you with all the training and everything you need to teach the kids.


2. Church Set-Up

We are seeking men (or couples) who are willing to come in on Sunday around 9:30am during coffee and fellowship to help get the church ready for 10:30 am service. Duties include wiping pews down, spraying disinfectant spray, checking bathrooms, dusting, etc. 


3. Church Clean-Up

We are seeking men, women and/or couples who are willing to stay after service for about 30 minutes to help clean the church up. 



We ask that if you are interested in any of these serving opportunities, to please contact Pastor Josh or Julaine at 517-617-8701 or email us at









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