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I have heard many times in my walk with Jesus, and especially as a pastor that people are out "seeking" God.

Now this is not the seeking that the author of Hebrews is referring to in Chapter 11 verse 6, nor in the numerous times referred to in scripture.

This kind of "seeker" has led to the development of the "seeker-friendly" church. Churches that are sensitive to those who are simply "seeking God" and feel welcome to do so.

The music, the coffee, the culture - it is all for those who do not want to feel "judged", uncomfortable or unwelcome.

The deception is this: there is no such "seeker" who apart from God seeks Him, and I will explain why.

First, I always say that people should come to church to get away from the world. If they want the world they know where to find it.

Now I would be the biggest hypocrite if I did not say that I too enjoy a good cup of coffee and modern Christian music when it comes to life, but I have to remember and always know that church is for the saved, not the unsaved.

This "seeker-friendly" approach to church is completely unbiblical and leads many astray.

Why would a church that is sensitive to people be unbiblical and lead anyone astray? Isn't the church for the broken and lost?

Once again, the church is for the SAVED, but the unsaved are welcome. Just because the unsaved are welcome, the church should not stray away from its purpose to worship, teach, encourage, and even discipline (fun word) according to the word of God.

If you had a NBA basketball team gathering for practice and a few baseball players came in to see what basketball was all about, do you think the NBA players would change the game to appease the baseball players? It would cause confusion to the baseball players, giving a false identity to the game of basketball. The basketball players would be hindered in their growth and ability because they are no longer playing the sport they chose, but a modified and false version of it.

You get the idea?

So how much more detrimental do you think it would be to heap a sense of confusion and deception upon someone and their eternity, living and thinking that what they are doing and how they are living is in fact Christian because of the standard the "seeker-friendly" church has set forth to them.

People end up getting mad at the church and even God for this, when in actuality what they experienced was never really church. So ironically, the goal of bringing people in is reverted and has led to many people actually leaving the church.

"Come as you are bro" - yes indeed, but be prepared to change if you truly love Jesus.

The church is the "called out" from the world, set apart. We are no longer children of the world but children of God. We simply live in the world but are no longer of it. We hold fast to that, especially during the gathering.

People in their depraved state do not seek God, ever. They cannot and will not. There are numerous scriptures to back this up but I will give you one that jumps out from Romans 3:10-12 which says, "‘There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together they have become useless. There is none who does good, there is not even one.’"

Now without teetering too far on the Calvinistic side, I want you to understand Paul's message here. He is saying that those who do not know God, will ever seek Him. We are incapable of it.


Because in our fallen state, God does not seem appealing to us. We are brought into this world at enmity with Him (Romans 8:7).

I ask you to think about when you were of the world, did you seek the Lord?

Let me elaborate more on those who are saying "yes" to that answer.

Now, in our sin we experience suffering and problems that we may want relief from, right? Sin leads to hurt and pain, even death! So it is only normal that we seek peace, joy, happiness and even acceptance.

These are qualities that God in His word says He gives to those He loves, so the deception comes when a person apart from God is actually seeking the provisions of God's love, without ever seeking God. You tracking with me here?

You ever met someone or even maybe you yourself have felt used by someone who simply liked you for what you can do for them, instead of truly loving you for who you are. Gifts over the giver.

This has spawned much of the issues in the church around false spirits and topical love for God.

I also believe the minute one of these "provisions" seems distant or gone, the person who thought they "knew God" ends up in a theological conflict, wondering if God has left them or falling away and being angry at God because He didn't deliver on His end of things.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Seeker-friendly ministries operate on your emotions and affections, your desires and comfort. As anything else in the world, you may find yourself bored with a ministry and just move on to the next one.

So, if you are apart of a church that does not teach the Bible and operates more like a night club or self-help or self-centered gathering, get out. If they do not teach the word, this is a problem! Yes the gifts are important for the edification of the body, but what kind of body do you have? The Bible is not about you and church is not about you. It is about God.

To the seeker-friendly church - you are building a "church" around people that do not exist. No one seeks God apart from Him. They will only have a topical and shallow notion of God without ever truly understanding who He is and even who they are apart from Him. People will grow tired or think they have "done enough" or are "good enough" to be saved. That will fall on you.

It is ok, give them the word. Speak it boldly, in truth and love. Because the most loving thing you can do to a person who does not believe is give them the Truth of God.

Their peace of mind, joy, acceptance, and eternity depend on it.

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