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Are You Listening Church? The Devil and his "modus operandi"

I once heard a pastor give a word about 3 vital elements when it comes to our temptation to sin:

1. The World

2. The Devil

3. The Flesh

I have spoken this same message to the body of Christ in an attempt to reveal that our sinful nature is always in a place of being exploited, so we need to be busy for Christ and operating in the Holy Spirit because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16).

The world broadcasts sin, the devil piggy back rides sin to tempt us and our flesh craves it. There is a war going on, and we are fortunate as Christians because we now know of such a battle and are called to "suit up" (Ephesians 6:10-18) because we now recognize this battle and we are no longer blind or enslaved to sin, but now can see it and fight back with the power of Christ!

In all of this, we have to know and remember one thing, that this battle is spiritual, not of flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12).

We are living in a time right now where I see two approaches from the church and the "craziness" or wickedness of the world that in all actuality, should not come as a surprise to the elect.

*The one approach is a focus on conspiracy theories and hidden motives of our government and other people in power. The foundation and ground in which this approach is being rooted is "being ready" and prepared. Some say that we have rights as Christians and need to take a stand, all while "staying informed".

*The other approach is one almost out of spite to the former where God will just bless and protect, and there should be no mention or notice of what is going on really, no woeful talk and that "we are anointed so we are protected". Kind of "super spiritual" and a refusal to acknowledge the times that are clearly written out in God's word.

In both of these approaches I would say that the devil's ancient old M.O. is being revealed: to divide the children of God which then prevents each of us as individuals to glorify God to the fullest of our day.

These approaches have developed an inward focus as a church with no thought of "going out". There is more of a personal zeal to "draw people in" then the calling to "go out" and work the harvest. In this fleshly zeal comes a watered-down and seeker-friendly gospel.

We also seem to think that our rights as a national citizen is more important than being heirs to the almighty God (Romans 8:17). Rights can and have been rewritten by man, and I am definite church that we will see that take place when it comes to the Christian in the USA.

Persecution is just as much of the Christian life as anything else, maybe more. We are called to participate in the sufferings in Christ, not avoid them.

We as a church, the body of Christ are putting too much emphasis in the physical and not remembering what God's word teaches us about the true battle at hand, one that the devil is laughing and dancing in.

Our daily approach and thoughts and existence should be that which are operated and funneled through our faith in God. Rejoice in Him daily! God is not responsible for evil, but He does allow it. He ordains everything the devil does, remember that. So if He is allowing all of this mess to take place, it is in a indirect way GOOD because God is in control.

Luke 10:38-42 illustrates a beautiful imagery of what we are called to do as Christians daily:

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Do not be like Martha and concern yourself with all these things, but put your focus on Christ, and sit at his feet daily.

Be like Mary and sit at his feet and LISTEN. Do not let your ministry be an idol in your life, because that pulls us out of operating and glorifying God. Are you assuming because of the things you are doing for God are what God wants you to do and know?

The devil hates when we listen to God. He will be quick to approach you after God is done speaking. But know that you understand his M.O. and that your flesh craves what he tempts you with and what the world broadcasts.

You are redeemed beloved, for the sole purpose to glorify God. Do not let the devil's old theme and new games trip you up and divide you.

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