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Life After the Car Accident (10/26/19)

My love letter from God is a love letter for you too. Our life was changed in seconds at old Lansing Rd. and South Waverly. I woke up in my hospital room on October 28th praising God, in pain, and praying. God had a message for me as I watched His hand write in black, bold cursive writing.

“Privilege – Caring – Believe”, with a red heart, and arrow running through it.

What a privilege it has been for me to serve a living God since I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart in 1976, but He wanted me to know through all of this that He was privileged to be my Father and take care of me.

You see our Father desires fellowship. Even though the enemy wanted to destroy us that October evening, God sent people to our rescue immediately.

A woman ran a red light, and on impact our car caught fire. My husband and I were knocked unconscious and woke up with the smell of thick black smoke. Trapped in the car, God sent rescuers to my aid. My husband and three men helped me out of the mangled, burning car. Then a dear woman came with a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. As I laid on the pavement in the cold rain, my heavenly Father used those lovely drops that hit my face to show me that He was caring for me. You see, my injuries were so painful and excruciating that the rain felt healing to my body and kept me from passing out again. From the ambulance paramedics, to the doctors and nurses at Sparrow Hospital, God used each one to show me how much he cared.

Now it was my turn to believe in the weeks and months ahead through the sleepless, painful days and nights that God had a plan in all of this. He would be with me, and I was to trust in Him. God has already sent family and friends, and many others that we have met for the first time to minister to us with food, prayer, service and calls. As I renew my mind daily with prayer and the word of God, He continues to lead, guide and direct my steps. Some days are rough and the tears flow, but I am reminded daily that I am not alone.

“As I humble myself in His sight He will lift me up higher and higher.” (James 4:7-8)

As I now meet each specialist who will care for my injuries, I am reminded of those words that God wrote on the wall of my heart, as He has considered it a privilege to care for me and will use Himself and others to touch my life. I need only to believe each step of the way.

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