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Choose Your Music

“I would like to listen to Christmas music, please.”

That was my answer when asked what I wanted to listen to during my MRI. This was not what the guys in radiology wanted to hear, and it made me laugh. God had already prepared my heart before I ever reached the hospital to lay on that hard table and go through with the MRI.

God wants us to make a choice, pray and be determined.

After the car accident in October, more extensive injuries were popping up on top of the broken ribs that I already knew about. I chose to find out what these injuries were after the the fracture of my wrist was determined by an X-ray one month after the accident.

In life we can choose to stay ignorant of what is going on, even in our own lives, or step up and make a choice that with God’s help we can move forward and take control back. Living in fear can paralyze you from getting the healing needed whether it be physical, mental or spiritual.

Praying is a way of life for me, and in this situation seeking God was what would be needed. The phone rang that morning and a sister in Christ wanted to pray for me. I was so glad she stepped up that day and obeyed what God had called for her to do, and she assured me she would continue to pray. I would need that assurance later when I found out that this MRI would take extended time as the neck, thoracic area and lumbar area of my back would need to be done separately.

That morning as my daughter drove me to the hospital she asked, “Are you sure you can do this mom?” She knew with broken ribs that laying on the table for the MRI would be a feat in itself. Prayed up and determined, I had no idea what would be awaiting me. Getting in the position to even lay down was a feat, but then my head would have to be stationary with a cage-type device over my face and my arms were placed across my tummy so that I would be able to fit in the tube. The ear plugs placed in my ears, and the Christmas music piped through the head phones and the MRI was started on my neck first.

I closed my eyes and my heavenly Father brought people to mind and I prayed and listened to the old Christmas songs that were piped in through the head phones. The men doing the MRI must have known by my age the songs I would want to hear as Burl Ives, Perry Como and Bing Crosby heralded the Christmas season.

Sometimes the tight position, heat from the device and the thump – thump – thumping was almost more than I could stand, but I was determined. That is when I would be reminded of those praying for me, and that God was with me, whispering to me another name of someone who needed prayer.

Time seemed to linger, but before I knew it the test was done. I knew the results might be hard to face, but I am not alone, and you are not either. Do not be paralyzed in fear of moving forward in your life. Make a choice, pray and be determined to face each situation that life brings and you knowing that you’re never alone. God will use each situation we face to bring Him glory, and to help us build up our faith, knowing that what He has done before He will do again.

We have a choice what music we will listen to in life. Will we choose to be defeated or pray and be determined that “we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength” (Philippians 4:13).

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