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God's Perfect Plan

Very often when we pray for people, especially those in struggle and uncertainty (especially the unsaved), we have a zeal to assure people that God has a "perfect plan" for their lives.

The awesome news of course is this is so true!

But one thing we need to be mindful of during these critical times of ministering to those in struggle - the saved and unsaved - is that God's plan is perfect not because it will bring about these sudden shifts to happiness and pleasure, but because it HIS plan - which is what makes it inherently "perfect", and it involves contentment, joy and peace which is only present BECAUSE of Him.

Obviously, it can be claimed that the reason we are in a place of uncertainty and struggle is because we were going by our own plans all along, just to come to the current place of struggle and uncertainty.

God's plan is based around His will, not ours. Our calling in life is to align our will and desire with His. Jesus gave us the model for prayer in seeking this "alignment" in Matthew 6:9-13 which says,

"This then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' "

There is so much in this model from our Lord and Savior, but I will put emphasis only on a few parts for the sake of this blog.

First off, declaration and recognition of God's holiness is the first thing Jesus says we should do. His sovereignty is imperative in knowing that this is His plan, not ours.

The second thing that sticks out is Jesus stating how we need to pray that our desire and will is for God's will to be done on earth as it is heaven - which what the bible says is God's main will and plan. His will, or plan, is being worked and lived out day by day, and we His children are the means and expression of that plan and will being shown to the world around us.

So His will and plan is a process that has a concrete end; for His kingdom to come to earth. If we claim a "heaven on earth now" theology, then we remove things on earth that are a means and purpose for ministering.

If heaven was on earth now, we would no longer have marriage, we would no longer have lost people to minister to, etc.

This "heaven on earth" mindset needs to be looked at through biblical eyes and seen as "a day yet to come" , which should entice us, the "called out" (church) to go out to the ends of the earth and lead people to Christ because that day is drawing closer and closer.

So often we can assume God's will and plan as being "good" or "perfect" because we may simply consider our personal comforts and desires, which are of course in contrast with a current state of pain and suffering.

You may risk a distortion of of God's holiness and risk a misalignment of your heart with His plan.

Sometime God's plan for your life might involve a path or mission that does not appear to be a path that you would want to walk down or mission you would want to accept. It may be a path that you may even ask God if there is another path you can take that is easier and not as tough. He may prune not only bad things from your life (anger, addiction, envy, etc.) but also good things (health, loss of a loved one, loss of job, etc.) God has a majesty and is in control, and He imposes or disposes things in our lives which produces a harvest of righteousness in us, which builds us up and displays Him to those who follow up behind us in the faith (Hebrews12:4-13).

Remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane? Luke 22:42 says, "If you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done".

As His children, we will find ourselves in the midst of God's will and plan being put in a place to petition for a "different route", but we need to be in a place to pray for our desires and will to align with God's, as Jesus does here. If we only think God wants us comfortable and smiling, it is easy to assume that a "tough path" is not from God. It is in this struggle sometimes that we may find ourselves seeking out "easy or timid" ministries to gratify ourselves, rather than accepting the "cups" God has given us which is of course for His glory and our goodness.

You of course do not just find this with Jesus' earthly ministry, but the disciples and apostles as well. They lived lives displaying and living out God's will and plan in a world that did not accept them, which meant hardships and struggles, but in the end simply was a means to glorify God to a point where 2000 years later the faith still lives on.

Christianity has survived from the blood, not comfort, of Christians and their focus on living out God's will and plan because their hearts were daily seeking "bread" for the sanctification and self mortification process.

We have an advocate in the Holy Spirit to help us in this pursuit of submission and alignment to God's will and plan on our lives. In Romans 8:26 it says the "Spirit helps us in our weakness". In those times where we "do not know what to pray for", because we are just in a place of uncertainty and struggle, "the Spirit intercedes for us", and goes on to say in verse 27 "in accordance to the will of God".

Many of you know what I am talking about. You just do not have the slightest clue on what is going on. The pain, anguish, and uncertainty is too much. You just let out "sighs" and groans" when trying to utter words of prayer to God. The Spirit will pray FOR you, not against you. He will make sure the message being sent to God is the one that needs to be sent in accordance to His will on YOUR behalf. The Holy Spirit draws you closer to the Father as well during this time.

This is called praying in the Spirit. This is awesome news for you and awesome news to minister to people who do not know God yet! In this utter submission to the Holy Spirit, you will find an overwhelming feeling of discernment and comfort fall over you. Some people experience speaking in tongues, but this of course does not happen to everyone and during every instance.

God always listens to the Holy Spirit, because they are ONE.

Praying in the Spirit is valuable for the Christian to utilize daily, not just in the midst of struggle. Seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance in your daily lives is imperative to the pursuit of holiness, fruitfulness, and recognition of God's grace.

So, remember that God's plan is perfect and good because God is perfect and good. Remember that His plan is not always going to align with your comforts and wants, but align with His process that is being worked out daily under His sovereignty for His glory.

We can all attest that as His children that when we tried to live our lives on our plan and will, it did not go so well. Leave this up to God, let the Holy Spirit intercede for you in your struggles and submission, and remember that God is God for a reason and we are who we are for a reason.

If you need to be reminded of that reason, I suggest you open up your bibles and start from the very beginning and in no time you will see what happens when we thought being "like God" was a good idea.

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