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Struggle of Man

All men, I repeat, ALL MEN, have struggles. Like skiing, we feel if we keep moving fast enough we won’t sink in the despair. We fear if we are submerged, we will drown. Others, well others wear their struggles. Almost as a heavy mass that they cannot remove and it wears them down daily. Regardless of which one you may identify with, you are eroding from the inside out. With each day you feel more and more of yourself dying, giving way to this unwanted life to someone you hate and do not recognize anymore. Understanding and seeing the darkness inside of you is essential to breaking free of it. When you finally come to terms with who you have become and who you were created to be, you finally will see an out of this misery. Christ calls us out of the darkness by providing Himself to us as a light. Giving him your pain allows Him to use it for His glory and your good. It’s actually quite beautiful. In the end of it all, the foundation of our despair (especially men) is lack of purpose. Unmet and unfulfilled desires that you cannot grasp. Those desires come from a deeper place and deeper source. Those desires were meant to be directed to a relationship with your Creator. How many times have you been left unfulfilled? How many desires only seem met for a moment and you go after the next thing? Don’t fall into the rat race of life where the course always changes and in the end the rat always dies. Enter this divine race of heavenly purpose and freedom-salvation and peace through the one who made you.

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