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Prayer Changes You

You may have heard many people say “prayer changes things”. Let us elaborate on that a little more: Prayer does changes things, but in your relationship with the Lord, you will change first, which in return your will see your prayers even begin to change.

Matthew 6:8 says, " Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

God already knows what you need before you ask, so making a request to God to change His mind on something is not the objective in your prayers. Our prayers should be that in which we ask God to align our desires with His and His, as Jesus teaches us how to pray further on in Matthew. Maybe where you only came to the Lord in prayer when you were in desperate need, as you grow in Christ you will find yourself being intentional with your prayer life, not just going to God for a change in circumstances, but maybe a change in yourself first. You see, where your heart is directed at will determine a lot of how you pray. Is your heart directed to God? Are you going to Him daily to not only pour out your heart, but also to listen to His voice too? How often do you “stand in the gap” for people when you pray? Do you pray for yourself more than you do others? Questions that one should ask themselves, not to feel worthless, but to know where their heart is directed. Prayer is powerful, more powerful than you may truly understand

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